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The Great Blue Heron is one of the 10 rDNA Profile Types. This overview is intended to help those individuals that are either considering a relationship, pursuing a relationship or in a relationship with a Great Blue Heron to better understand him.

15% of men are Great Blue Herons

What is your rDNA Profile Type?

The Great Blue Heron

Extremely vibrant and sensitive, The Great Blue Heron represents only 15% of men. This man is forgiving, expressive, and sensitive. He prefers to experience his partner fully, reading into their words, gestures, and body language to reach the true meaning and true emotion behind their expressions rather than presume or jump to conclusions.

This extroverted fellow longs for an emotional connection where he is able to be with a partner who “just gets” him. He is comfortable with both giving and receiving criticism as he sees it as an opportunity for him and his partner to grow together. He is vibrant and animated, often using gestures and facial expressions to regale his partner as he openly expresses himself.

For the most part, the Blue Heron man typically prefers to pass on or avoid religion or religious practices, as he would rather be out and about exploring new and unconventional experiences. He requires daily times of independence where he and his partner are able to step away from each other and experience life on their own; returning to one other ready and willing to share what they learned or experienced.

His vibrancy follows him wherever he goes, even into the bedroom, where he is likely to welcome unconventional expressions of sexuality. He is also forgiving and even willing to reconcile after infidelity, even if he has trouble forgiving his partner for the emotional pain he experienced.

The Blue Heron man is not likely to experience feelings of jealousy, as he can often see the intentions behind his partner’s actions. If he does experience jealousy he is not prone to sharing this with his partner because he would expect his partner to intuitively be aware of his feelings.

If there is a disagreement between the Blue Heron and his partner he will stick up for himself, while avoiding at all costs an escalation of the issue. He prefers to calmly discuss disagreements rather than intensify them into heated, potentially hurtful arguments.