rDNA Owl Round.png

The Owl is one of the 10 rDNA Profile Types. This overview is intended to help those individuals that are either considering a relationship, pursuing a relationship or in a relationship with an Owl to better understand him.

9% of men are Owls

What is your rDNA Profile Type?

The Owl

The Owl is the freewheeling thinker, the man who values intellectual conversation and deep connections with his partner. A rare breed, only 9% of men are Owls. His communication skills go unmatched and he seeks a partner who is ready to connect with him on a deeply intellectual as well as on a physical level. He enjoys expressing his affection for his partner in a physical way and will often touch his partner in some way.

The Owl is unconventional and open to all kinds of expression, even sexually. It is difficult to make this man jealous, because he feels such a profound connection with his partner; and even if the Owl begins to have jealous feelings he is not likely to share them.  As much as the Owl cherishes his connection with his partner he is not one to forgive infidelity. He will have trouble with a partner with addictions, or that is susceptible to other vices, as he will have trouble creating and maintaining the intense connection he is looking for.

Giving and receiving criticism does not bother the Owl, he simply sees it as another way to share his inner most thoughts with his partner. While the Owl longs for a physical and intellectual connection with his partner he is not needy and values his and his partners independence. If a disagreement does occur, the Owl will not shy away as he sees this as just another intellectual experience. He will effectively communicate his position and resolve the conflict with the upmost grace and style.

Emotionally charged, the Owl can often read his partners feelings easily and looks for that same ability in his partner. He is not particularly interested in going to religious gatherings, sharing spirituality or including religion in general as part of his daily life. Owls greatly prefer logical reasoning over getting angry and can’t stand rude or argumentative people.  He appreciates honesty and doesn’t like playing games.

This man knows that relationships require hard work and he is willing to put in the effort to make his relationship work. When in an argument, Owls seek resolution, tend to focus on both the past and the future, and are primarily concerned with the outcome of the situation as opposed to being “right”.  Owls are not as independent as most, so he may feel uncomfortable when he is without a partner.