rDNA Hawk Round.png

The Hawk is one of the 10 rDNA Profile Types. This overview is intended to help those individuals that are either considering a relationship, pursuing a relationship or in a relationship with a Hawk to better understand him.

21% of men are Hawks

What is your rDNA Profile Type?

The Hawk

Representing 21% of men, Hawks are traditional and forthright guys. These are down to earth men looking for an honest and conventional partner that values and respects tradition. Hawks tend to connect the best with someone that shares his values and comes from a similar background as him.

The typical Hawk is looking for a partner that will someday make his house a home. Hawks will expect both their partners and themselves to meet established domestic standards. The Hawk is looking for a partner to be a complement to his natural state, allowing both parties to flourish and grow while harmonizing and fulfilling each other’s lives. He is not one to put his career or earning potential over his relationship and will often place more value on his relationship than his need to keep up with the Joneses. He is more likely to take time off of work to pursue what interests him than to stay late in an attempt to climb the corporate ladder.

Although, the Hawk loves spending time with his partner, at his core, he has a basic need to have some free time to himself. He prefers to keep his hobbies to himself, while his partner enjoys their own hobbies as well. This should not be mistaken for a desire to keep secrets or for a heightened need for personal privacy. Hawks are open and forthcoming men that do not have an intense need for privacy and would be unhappy if his partner kept secrets from him.

When it comes to sex, Hawks are more about quality than quantity. The frequency of sex is not a primary motivator for him. Hawks want to make each sexual encounter meaningful. He is also not one for public displays of affection, preferring to show his partner he cares in other ways. Additionally, keeping in line with his other more traditional values, Hawks prefer a sexual relationship that does not step outside the boundaries of what he would consider to be normal. Hawks find unconventional sex to be particularly unappealing.

Hawks are honest and will be open and clear with their partner. He has deep convictions and beliefs and tends to be spiritual rather than religious. The Hawk enjoys sharing his beliefs with his partner, often seeking to integrate some form of spirituality into his everyday life.

He is not likely to compromise easily or to calmly disagree. When something is bothering him, he is likely to bring it to the attention of his significant other quickly rather than let it fester and become a larger problem. While in an argument and trying to remain respectful and not use words that can insult, hurt or offend his partner, Hawks may sometimes have difficulty expressing their feelings and may be seen as cold and aloof as a result. If you are pursuing a relationship with a Hawk please keep this in mind and be sure to give him the opportunity to truly be heard and understood.